I'm back! Yesterday, the 22nd of December, was the day of the graduation of the Holiday Program students of Dance V Me. It's also the day of my performance at Endah Parade.
The journey first started when my mom went and picked Elexne up from her guard house. Then we went off to meet Alvin, Merveen and Lynnce at the studio. But alas, when we reached, Chun Yew was there also. He didn't wanna wait for William to show up, so he followed me also...
Imagine a Kembara being fitted by 7 people?? It was bloody full.. Chun Yew sat in front cause he was the biggest. Alvin sat on me, Lynnce sat on Elexne, while Merveen just sat at the center.. Lucky girl.. Me and Alvin had a funny conversation on the way there.
Steven: ALVIN!! You weigh like a bull!!
Alvin: You same weight with me right??
Steven: So???
Alvin: So you weigh like a bull also la!!
Steven: Dang...
After the car ride, we all went to the stage. IT WAS SMALL!! When I saw it, I was like OMFG! Haihz.. Well.. we had to work something out anyway. So, while waiting for the deejay, we went to grab some snacks first. After that, begins the rehearsal.
But the process of the dancing was busy. I was in charge of getting the people all ready for their turns. I had to run here and there to get everyone done. It was tiring man.. I couldn't even finish my Fillet O'Fish...
After the performance, some of the holiday program students went over to Mei Xian's house as it was her birthday. During her birthday, we ate loads of food, and listened to loads of songs.
Most of the time though, I spent upstairs with Merveen.. Just listening to songs. Hehe.. imagine us in the dark, just listening to songs. Was pretty awesome spending time with her.
After that, we went home lol..