A love so true,
A love so pure,
With that within us,
How can you not be worth it?
You are my life,
My happiness,
My love,
How can you not be worth it?
You give me a reason,
To live everyday,
To be thankful everyday,
How can you not be worth it?
I am always in the shadows,
Observing you,
Even though I am hurt,
Just one smile from you,
Makes life more beautiful,
How can you not be worth it?
I make mistakes,
I make errors,
For you, I'm willing to change the whole world,
How can you not be worth it?
Touch after touch,
Hug after hug,
Kiss after kiss,
You leave me wanting more and more,
How can you not be worth it?
Tears after tears,
Sweat after sweat,
I shed all that for you because I want to,
How can you not be worth it?
Our story is complicated,
I am complicated,
You are complicated,
Even with all the complications,
How can you not be worth it?
Is a part of you, and always will be,
Even though it hurts me deeply,
When I see your happy face,
How can you not be worth it?
I've written more poems for you,
Bought more presents for you,
Worked so hard for you,
Than anyone I have ever met,
How can you not be worth it?
With a heart so beautiful,
With a heart so caring,
Yet with a heart so mysterious,
How can you not be worth it?
Every part of you now,
I miss it,
I love it,
Now tell me again,
How can you not be worth it?
This is not a complain,
It is my way of expressing how I feel right now,
As I type these words out,
I am thinking,
How can you not be worth it?
I want us to be together again,
More open to one another,
Without a care for the future,
Just the present.